You develop treatments adapted to the pathologies of each patient. You place experience of patient’s care at the heart of your commitment so that the efficacy of the treatment is optimal. We provide the packaging solutions that protect the patients’ medication and facilitates their management on a daily basis.
The changes brought about by the health ecosystem have considerably transformed your relationship with the patient. As a true health partner, you support him with care and compassion and collaborate with him throughout his treatment journey.
It is no longer just a matter of a personalised treatment with an individual approach. It is now a question of overall management of his individual needs, his expectations, and the impact and specific nature of his environment.
It is a key factor with illness to ensure the presence of on-going support in terms of patient treatment.
50% of patients in Europe and in the United States do not take their medication correctly. The constraints, fear, lack of information and support are the principal reasons that patients do not medicate correctly.
Facilitating the treatment of patients on a daily basis, giving them the means to store their medication in optimal temperature conditions, enables them to take care of themselves in the best manner.
Sofrigam accompanies you in the setting up of a reliable supply chain that guarantees that the patient receives the right medication, at the right time, in the best possible conditions.
You are continually pushing the limits of the illness further and further away by bringing efficient therapies that are well tolerated and personalised for each individual patient.
You no longer simply provide medication …you also offer a service in partnership with the patient prior to, during and after his treatment. You administer, measuring and monitor the treatment and its efficacy.
We work closely with you in this process by deploying cold chain management solutions that within any given constraints of your products and responding to the needs of your patients.